August 13, 2004

Nihon suki desu

Konbanwa (^ ^)

I've just found someone else's blog. Being a 'Japanophile', I was really interested to read about his life in Japan, and to see his photos, which brought back memories of my trip last year (I went to celebrate, or should I say hide from, my 30th birthday in June. It was an amazing holiday and one that I'll never forget. God damn it - I want to go back there!)

I was inspired to post my photos of Japan on this blog, but will have to wait until I sort out some web space to link to. My advice is don't even try posting pictures using 'Hello' (the software they want you to use), as it's a huge pain in the arse ;-)

Quote of the day:

The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic herd"
Blackadder II


Blogger Cowki said...

Konbanwa Kiji San (^-^)
Kochira wa Cowki desu!
Watashi wa Nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu, demo jozu ja arimasen. ^±^
Demo watashi wa genki desu. Okagesama de.
Ikaga desu ka?

Ashita eiga ga mimasu ka?
Mata Ashita.

1:55 am  
Blogger kiji said...


I've now managed to use the 'Hello' software for posting pictures to my blog (so it ain't that bad)

4:52 pm  

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