Nihon suki desu
Konbanwa (^ ^)
I've just found someone else's blog. Being a 'Japanophile', I was really interested to read about his life in Japan, and to see his photos, which brought back memories of my trip last year (I went to celebrate, or should I say hide from, my 30th birthday in June. It was an amazing holiday and one that I'll never forget. God damn it - I want to go back there!)
I was inspired to post my photos of Japan on this blog, but will have to wait until I sort out some web space to link to. My advice is don't even try posting pictures using 'Hello' (the software they want you to use), as it's a huge pain in the arse ;-)
Quote of the day:
The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic herd"
Blackadder II
Konbanwa Kiji San (^-^)
Kochira wa Cowki desu!
Watashi wa Nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu, demo jozu ja arimasen. ^±^
Demo watashi wa genki desu. Okagesama de.
Ikaga desu ka?
Ashita eiga ga mimasu ka?
Mata Ashita.
I've now managed to use the 'Hello' software for posting pictures to my blog (so it ain't that bad)
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