Lionel Swears
Check this out - it's the funniest thing I've seen in ages (if you don't find this funny there is something wrong with you):
It's a little-known fact that years ago, my mum wrote to Jim'll Fix It to ask if he could fix it for her to learn to tap dance with Lionel Blair. Thankfully, the cigar-sucking old git didn't invite her onto the show - how embarrassing would that have been? (sorry mum). I remember being extremely jealous of this kid who had everything in his bedroom made remote control - even his curtains. How cool is that? That stuff was fairly hi-tech in those days. Man, I desperately wanted a Jim'll Fix It badge! It's one of my regrets in life........
Right, back to 'reality' (or my perception of it anyway, since reality is only an interpretation!)
Quote of the day:
Look at him; look at Jeff Wode"
Withnail & I
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