Tribute to Derek & Clive
Jump You Fucker
A 'Hymn' performed by Dudley Moore
As I was walking down the street one day
I saw a house on fire
There was a man, shouting and screaming out of an upper storey window
To the crowd that was gathered there below
For he was sore afraid
Jump, you fucker, jump
Jump into this 'ere blanket wot we are 'olding
And you will be alright
He jumped, 'it the deck, broke 'is fucking neck
There was no blanket
Laugh, we nearly shat
We 'ave not laughed so much since grandma died
Or Auntie Mable caught her left tit in the mangle
We are miserable sinners
Filthy fuckers
Quotes of the Day
He tends to lie a bit low, you know. Well he, that's the way he lies, a bit low, which is the best way to lie I think, in my view"
Derek & Clive - Squatter and the Ant
You remember that - World War II? Absolutely ghastly business". "Well yes". "Absolutely ghastly business. I was completely against it". "Well, I think we all were". "Yes, well I wrote a letter".
Derek & Clive Live - The Frog and Peach
"well you ad to stand upfor wot you stood for"_
shit _ mykeyboard (or rathergaz@s) is knackered!!!
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