October 25, 2004

Vanishing post

Well, that's weird. My last post has completely disappeared.

Can't remember what the quote of the day was, but the gist of the post was........

Had my hair cut and highlighted today at the usual place - Toni & Guy. It costs a bloody fortune to have the top stylist and top colourist, but once you're used to a certain lifestyle, it's hard to go back to a two-bob cut & blow dry at the local 'chav' salon. I learnt my lesson the hard way - you really do get what you pay for. Long ago, in a shit-hole of a town far, far away (in South East England), I was tired of having long, 'straight and boring' blonde hair, and decided to go for something a bit more 'styled'. Unfortunately, when the tarty young moron in the 'cheap-as-chips' local salon came at me with scissors and a face like a serial killer in a mosh pit, I had grave doubts about my decision. When she uttered the words "say goodbye to that bit of hair" and proceeded to hack at my lovely blonde locks like a crazed topiarist with epilepsy, I knew I had made a serious mistake. The result - an amazingly lop-sided cut that cost me a whopping £7 and all my remaining self-respect. Not an experience to be repeated.


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