July 02, 2005

ID cards in the UK? I WILL NOT COMPLY

My blog has re-awakened from its comatose state in order to highlight this very important issue, which I have to say, gets my blood boiling.

Biometric ID cards in the UK? This is the most preposterous, invasive and downright dangerous policy decision that our government has made in a very long time.

I don't know about you, but


Please sign this
pledge if you agree with me and thousands of other Brits

We must stop this abomination from coming into being. I, for one, will protest till my dying breath if necessary. This is an extreme infringement of our human rights and privacy, and constitutes the State interfering in our lives to an unacceptable extent. The goverment is supposed to work for us, not the other way around.

We already have many of our personal details stored in insecure and inept databases around the world (look at the recent news about people's bank details and passwords being leaked from a company in India, for god's sake), and have our private lives invaded at every turn by bastards trying to sell us stuff and CCTV everywhere we go - where will it end? Electronic tagging at birth? This was the stuff of science fiction not so long ago. How frightening that it has already become a reality.

ID cards will NOT prevent terrorism, identity fraud, crime, illegal immigration or anything else. If you think they will, you are deluded. How could they? If you think that it won't be possible to fake these cards, think again.

There are many reasons to feel apprehensive about these cards. Here's just one: Do you want your most personal details, including your DNA, stored in a database that's administered by incompetent government beaurocrats, and open to hackers? Just think of how woefully incompetent the Inland Revenue are - not to mention local authorities. Your personal information is not safe in the hands of these morons.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice and thoughtful blog.

9:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CORRECT! i've signed my name up anyway i hate to admit it but i'm here to advertise my blog (in a new age jehovas witness kinda way) 'cause it doesn't have the readership i want it to have yet so if you can visit, please do:


12:15 pm  

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