October 31, 2004

Hallowed be thy rant

Our efforts for Hallowe'en consisted of buying a pumpkin and carving it. No dressing up and no drunken debauchery :-( We were invited to a fancy dress piss-up at a friend's house, but unfortunately we were too knackered to go. How sad. As we were sitting there being pestered by relentless trick or treaters, I marvelled at how clever we had been to fix the doorbell earlier that day. I also realised that kids in this country have missed the point about 'trick or treating'. They're supposed to stand there and either get a 'trick' (eg, being squirted/drenched with water), or a 'treat' (usually sweets). The adults standing at the door get to choose which one the little 'darlings' get. Nowadays, you get the feeling you should give them at least a quid to stop them petrol bombing your house or putting dog shit through the letterbox. Nice.

Poor haiku attempt of the day:
Freaks in bad outfits
Halloween is somewhat naff
Unless you get pissed

Quote of the day:
No thanks - I don't use the horse"
Christopher Morris - Brass Eye


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